Unknown document

AMD Kria

The AMD Kria plugin is used to represent the system firmware stored on QSPI for the AMD Kria system on module device specifically when not booted using UEFI support in U-Boot. When UEFI support is used the plugin will be disabled.

It uses the devices created by the mtd plugin to discover the firmware version and uses the known behavior of U-Boot ESP handling to distribute updates to the device.

U-Boot will automatically pick up the firmware (so no efivars are needed) and will also clean up the firmware after upgrade is completed.

GUID Generation

These devices use a GUID generation scheme that reflects data stored in the EEPROM on the board the Kria SoM is inserted into.


Firmware Format

The firmware is distributed in UEFI capsule format and it’s format is described in https://xilinx.github.io/kria-apps-docs/bootfw/build/html/docs/bootfw_overview.html.

  • org.uefi.capsule


  • AmdKriaEepromAddr represents the I2C address for the SoM EEPROM


Anyone can submit a pull request to modify this plugin, but the following people should be consulted before making major or functional changes:

  • Mario Limonciello: superm1
  • Michal Simek michalsimek